Tiimid toodud registreerimise järjekorras
Peeter Maamets
Midlife crisis over 9000
I think that what Rait is doing is not normal and no sensible man should do any of it. Sensible man should participate in a group challenge like me. Yeah, I'm a sensible man.
Valdo Kanemägi
Some people feel the rain - others just get wet!
I am an all-around sports enthusiast. Never have I been really fast nor able to go for the win but that has not stopped me from participating. For the past years the keywords have been "ultra endurance" and "finding my limits". Motivations to participate in this challenge are: 1) Trying to push myself and my weekly average to some 2x of the average 2) Trying to be active 40 days in a row
Priit Oidram
Kui kõike ei jõua, tee topelt!
Olen pikalt olnud aktiivse ja sportliku eluviisiga ning seda peamiselt tänu oma suurimale konkurendile. Rõõm on tõdeda, et ta pole käega löönud, vastupidi - panused on tõusnud ja läbi kogemuste suurenenud sitkus on rivaliteeti tagant tõuganud. Heameelega jagan oma kilomeetreid ja tunde antud väljakutse raames selles vastasseisus iseendaga nii heategevuslikel eesmärkidel kui ka toetamaks Raiti, kellega pea kümmekond aastat tagasi koos sai trialtoniradadele end sätitud. Olenemata nende radade pikkusest ja laiusest, mahapööret ei ole! :)
Kaarel Kimmel
surfing = 99% swimming (best case scenario)
Definitely not a triathlete. Mostly looking sideways. Motivation - achieving minimal viable paddling form by end of September.
Veiko Voolaid
Mis seal ikka, teeme ära!
I have been doing long distance sports for a few years, it should be even more fun to do something with a group of people.
Martin Seiler
Learning to run
Taavi said I have to participate
Tõnu Vahtra
Sic itur ad astra
Been cycling for 20 years, lifting weights for 15 and running for 5 years, also started triathlon from this year. Continuously aiming to improve my personal best in all distances and trying different sports on a regular basis.
Kaarel Hauk
Failure Is Not an Option
Constantly chasing self-improvement. I have found that it is impossible to learn anything about yourself while in the comfort zone.
Arvi Kirjonen
Want to challenge myself!
Kadri Hillermaa
Charlie Don't Surf
Planned to take up swimming anyway again, so this challenge will surely get me to the pool!
Taavi Ilp
Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right
This year I wanted to try something different in addition to running, and decided on triathlon. I learned to cycle and swim on my own, finished Otepää Half-IM in decent time, and was hooked. I then completed the full distance Tallinn IM, and have already signed up for several triathlons next year, including Challenge Roth in Germany, so I guess I caught the bug. Still need to work on my cycling and swimming, and #challengeratasepp gives me good motivation to continue working on these disciplines even during off-season.
Tõnu Ilves
The Iron Ore believes it is being needlessly tortured as it passes through the Forge. The Tempered Steel looks back and knows better.
After a 2 year hiatus I have returned to cycling this summer and am working myself back up to shape. I currently avg around 6h / 120km a week, but with proper motivation I could easily double that. I can probably run in case of emergencies, but don't count on me for swimming.
Toomas Velka
Nothing to see here, move along.
Ave Blum
Kui ei jõua teha tervet triatloni, tee pool, aga tee hästi
Ühised ettevõtmised motiveerivad rohkem liikuma
Mait Vaiksaar
Pain is just weakness leaving the body
Just helping out some friends here
Jaanika Lill
Let's do it!
30 km of running per week for greater good :D
Triin Sikkal
Ready for the challenge!
For me running is part of everyday life - it helps me to be healthy, exercise regularly, works as a stress relief and sometimes gives an opportunity to challenge myself. So let's give this #challengeratasepp also I try :)
Siim-Sander Sägi
Just do it.
My name is Siim-Sander. I study and work. My motivation is to become more athletic in general. Swimming has been my passion since I was young. I don't dislike running or cycling either. Even more motivational is reaching goals and donating that work to a good cause.
Raido Tonts
I'm training anyways
Andre Härmask
Cycling is a time winner.
If i have somehow chance to support such legendary guy, then it would be sin do not do it.
Andres Pae
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.
Jooksen ikka, jalgrattaga sõidan ka mõnikord. Ujun vene kirvest.
Tanel Viita
viimane hapupiimane
Veiko says that I must registered. I always do what others told me to do. Also. maybe this will motivate me finish the marathon..
Elise Kaidme
I run because i really like food
I'm participating on Tallinn Marathon, so I'm running anyway. And every now and then i come to work by bike, so i could use these distances as well.
Kaire Leibak
I run with 3 jumps
Nowadays, I am just a sports enthusiast and always up for new challenges, especially when there is a charity purpose behind. Plus doing sports is quite the trigger for a good mood.
Egert Pani
Get up and move!
Am your average Joe, a little bit of this and little bit of that. One more reason to go out and do sports.
Marju Soonets
I love running, when I'm done
As I'm training for a half marathon for the end of October, then this gives me motivation to spend even more time on the tracks and mix it up more eagerly with swimming.
Kalle Prank
I thought they said rum.
A man in his best years who would like contribute his free time for charity (to help people/animals who may be in a slightly less fortunate situations).